In line with the recent introduction of the Regulator of Social Housing’s Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs), we need to increase the level of information we hold about our tenants’ protected characteristics such as ethnicity and disability. Having good information about protected characteristics will help make sure that we complete satisfaction surveys with a sample of tenants that is representative. We will also be able to consider whether some tenant groups are less satisfied than others.

Where we have gaps in your protected characteristics data we will contact you either via email or a phone call to ask you for the data that we are missing. As well as supporting the Tenant Satisfaction Measures, having good information about protected characteristics will help us tailor our communications and assistance where this is needed and check whether our services are being accessed by all tenants. If you receive an email or call regarding this survey, please do take the time to complete it as the information you provide us on your protected characteristics is extremely important. The information you provide will be treated with confidence, stored securely and only accessed by those who need to see it. If there are any questions within the survey you do not wish to answer please chose the answer option “Prefer not to say” and then move on to the next question.

For information about how your personal data is processed and about your rights, please read our Privacy Policies on our websites.