This message comes from the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Champion Penny Farrar, the EDI Champion on The Barnet Group Board.

“We on the Board are very aware of the work being done across The Barnet Group to address racism and any other form of discrimination or harassment in our workplaces and the communities we serve. We all have a responsibility, and in particular board members need to listen to what employees, and residents and service users and their families and carers, are telling us about their needs and experiences.

My role as Board Champion is to work with the network of TBG Champions and fellow board members to drive the EDI agenda forward. We need to effectively support those working hard to promote EDI within The Barnet Group and do what we can to make it a more inclusive place where differences are respected and valued.

The decisions we make can only be made better by understanding who our employees and customers are and having access to really good insight about what you and they need, so we would encourage you to make sure your personal information is up to date as this makes a real difference.”