Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, all public authorities are required to have a publication scheme to ensure that information about them is routinely available as part of normal business.
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, all public authorities are required to have a publication scheme to ensure that information about them is routinely available as part of normal business.
We want to make sure you can find everything you need to know about us – either through this website or by clearly listing our main documents on our publication scheme. We are committed to promoting openness and transparency, and to making sure that a significant and growing amount of information we hold is readily available without the need for individuals to make a specific request for information.
The publication scheme is a list of information that we routinely publish about The Barnet Group and its subsidiaries that falls into seven categories identified by the Information Commissioner. For more information, please refer to our Publication Scheme Approach.
We intend to publish as much information as possible through our publication scheme, subject to the exemptions which apply under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or other relevant legislation.
At present, all the information we proactively release is available free of charge on our website. If in the future, we make information available but do not publish it on our website we will update this publication scheme to explain how you can access it. We will also explain any charges that may be necessary. Any charges made by The Barnet Group will be justified and transparent and kept to a minimum.
From April 2019 we also publish on our website our responses to Freedom of Information requests.
If you are unable to access the information you require from the list on this page or on our website, please contact us using the details below to make an information request. You will need to detail the information you are requesting and provide your name and contact address for correspondence (email and/or postal address).
Contact Details
Email: talktous@barnethomes.org
Post: Complaints and Information Team, The Barnet Group, 3rd Floor, 2 Bristol Avenue, London, NW9 4EW
For guidance on your rights under the Act and how to make an information request, please visit the Information Commissioner’s Office website.
Publication Scheme
Who we are and what we do
– Organisation information, locations and contracts, constitutional and legal governance
The Barnet Group is a not-for profit Local Authority Trading Company (LATC) that delivers services on behalf of the London Borough of Barnet (LBB) as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Council. It includes: Barnet Homes Limited, an Arms-Length Management Organisation (ALMO) that manages approximately 15,500 properties; the specialist care provider Your Choice (Barnet) Limited; the Registered Provider TBG Opendoor Limited (“Opendoor Homes”), which is regulated by the Homes and Communities Agency; the employment arm TBG Flex Limited, and the online private lettings agency Bumblebee Lettings Limited (“Bumblebee”).
The Barnet Group works with a number of partners to deliver its services, including contractors, suppliers, and external agencies. Its principal activities include:
- tenancy management;
- income collection and debt recovery;
- money and benefits advice;
- tackling anti-social behavior (ASB);
- repairs and maintenance;
- estate management and grounds maintenance
- building services;
- care and housing support services;
- leasehold management;
- right to buy administration;
- resident involvement and community engagement;
- discharge of homelessness duties;
- management of temporary accommodation;
- management of new build contracts; and
- specialist adult social care provision.
Information and website location:
What we spend and how we spend it
– Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts, and financial audit
The Barnet Group receives a budget for the services it provides under the management agreements from LBB. Each year the planned expenditure from these budgets is decided and monitored by The Barnet Group Board.
The annual Financial Statement provides information about income and expenditure, and reports on the approach to risk management and internal control. The Annual Report and Annual Accounts provide the financial statements and an overview of performance.
Information and website location:
- Annual report and statement of accounts
- Annual review for residents
- Procurement procedures and contracts register – Available on request
- Staff and Board Member expenses – Available on request
- Value for Money Strategy
- Value for Money Action Plan
What our priorities are and how we are doing
– Strategy and performance information, plans, assessments, inspections, and reviews
The Barnet Group publishes a five-year Strategic Plan which sets out its aims and objectives. It is reviewed on an annual basis to include its priority activities and targets for each financial year, and the achievements of the preceding year.
The Annual Report and Statement of Accounts and the Annual Review for Residents provide information about performance.
Information and website location:
- Annual Report and Statement of Accounts
- Annual Review for Residents
- Equality Impact Assessments – coming soon
- Fire Risk Assessments – coming soon
- Performance information
- Strategic Plan
- Strategies
- Surveys – coming soon
How we make decisions
– Policy proposals and decisions. Decision making processes, internal criteria and procedures, consultations
The Barnet Group is a limited company without share capital which operates on a not-for-profit basis. Its governance arrangements are set out in the Articles of Association, and its governance structure is published on its website.
The business is managed by a Senior Management Team led by the Group Chief Executive Officer that makes decisions within a framework set by legislation and regulation, and is managed through internal controls. Resident influence is central to decision-making, and The Barnet Group is committed to ensuring that residents play an active part in decision-making and other aspects of service delivery.
The Group Chief Executive Officer is accountable to The Barnet Group Board, which meets every 2 months. Barnet Homes, Your Choice (Barnet), Opendoor Homes, TBG Flex, and Bumblebee also have their own subsidiary boards. The boards are supported by the Audit and Risk Committee, Governance and Remuneration Committee, and Asset Committee, all of which meet throughout the year. Non-confidential board papers and minutes are published on the website.
Information and website location:
Our policies and procedures
– Current written protocols for delivering our functions and responsibilities
The Barnet Group develops policies as part of its operational procedures to deliver services on behalf of the Council and within the framework of the management agreements. The Barnet Group assesses the equality impact of policies we develop that directly affect residents.
Information and website location:
- Customer service standards – coming soon
- Housing Allocations Scheme
- Operational policies – coming soon
- Recruitment and employment policies – Available on request
Lists and registers
– Currently-maintained lists and registers required by law, and other lists and registers relating to our functions
The Barnet Group maintains a number of lists and registers in order to deliver services on behalf of the Council.
Information and website location:
- Freedom of information disclosure log
- Number of homelessness applications
- Number of households in Temporary Accommodation
- Property asset register – coming soon
- Register of gifts and hospitality – Available on request
- Service user and family groups – YCB
- Tenant, resident, and service user groups – Barnet Homes
The services we offer
– Information about the services we offer, including advice and guidance, booklets and leaflets, transactions and media releases.
The Barnet Group is a social housing and adult social care provider, and a description of the services we provide is available in a range of publications including our Customer Service Charter, and tenant and leaseholder handbooks. The Barnet Group also provides information to our residents and service users in a quarterly newsletter and through the use of social media, including Facebook and Twitter (@thebarnetgroup, @barnethomes, @yourchoicebrnt, @opendoorhomes, @BumblebeeLDN)
Information and website location:
- Annual review for residents
- Customer Service Charter – coming soon
- Financial advice, support and training
- Information leaflets
- Leaseholder Handbook
- Newsletters
- Press releases
- Tenant Handbook