The Barnet Group is a local authority trading company wholly owned by the London Borough of Barnet.

In 2004 Barnet Homes was established as an Arm’s Length Management Organisation (ALMO) for the London Borough of Barnet (LBB) to manage approximately 15,000 council-owned properties within Barnet. In 2012 Your Choice (Barnet) was created to receive the transfer of Adult Social Care services from LBB, and The Barnet Group, a Local Authority Trading Company (LATC) was created as the parent company to both Barnet Homes and Your Choice (Barnet). Later in 2012 the Council’s Homelessness service, Housing Options, transferred to Barnet Homes.
In 2013 The Barnet Group began the development of the first council housing to be built in the borough for 20 years. The first 3 properties were completed in early 2014, with another 40 in 2016 including 10% wheelchair-accessible accommodation, and 90 in 2018/19 including 53 Extra Care units. We have committed to fulfilling a development and acquisitions programme that will deliver 1,000 homes by 2024.
In 2015 TBG Flex was created to employ and supply new employees within the Group, offering more flexible terms and conditions of employment. We also created a new subsidiary to Barnet Homes, TBG Open Door (“Opendoor Homes”), which went on to become a Registered Provider with the Homes and Communities Agency in April 2017 and which supports the Group’s ambitions for growth whilst providing much-needed Affordable rented housing within the borough. In May 2018, Bumblebee was launched to provide an online private lettings service in Barnet, drawing upon the success of the Group’s Let2Barnet service.
Across the Group we employ over 900 staff, providing a range of services to people who live in Council-owned homes, people who are homeless or facing homelessness, Care and Support clients from Barnet and other local authorities, and private customers.