Earlier this year, we shared the news that Bumblebee, The Barnet Group’s private lettings agency had supported the Live Unlimited Charity with a donation of £5,000. We can now share how that donation supported 680 of Barnet’s looked after children.
Outdoor Club
Live Unlimited’s Forest School sessions have got 6-17 year olds outside with
other care experienced young people, learning new skills, connecting with nature & making new friends. 206 hours have been delivered since May 21.
P, 12, says: “It’s my favourite club. I like tasting stuff I’ve never had before and the chickens are really good. I’ve got green beans, radishes and broad beans growing on the windowsill they gave us to take home. I check how they’re doing every day.”
Driving ahead
Live Unlimited has provided a package of 46 hours driving lessons and test fee to care experienced young people to learn to drive, helping boost their
confidence, self-esteem and opening up new job opportunities.
Since April 21:
- Number of people on scheme: 19
- Number of people taken their test: 6
- Number of passes first time: 2
- Number of passes second time: 1
- Studying for theory test: 2
- Current active learners: 8
Aspire Higher
Live Unlimited’s careers networking scheme for 16-25 year olds has connected care experienced young people with professionals from different industries they wouldn’t normally meet.
- 66 people referred onto the scheme since May ’21, with 38 young people attending their events
- one young person gained a job as a TV runner with a production company
- two young people undertaking 60 hour paid work placements created by Artsdepot
- one young person is taking up a four day paid role in the tech team in the National Theatre Connections Festival
- one young person applied to the Royal Navy
- one young person applied for a EY degree apprenticeship
two young people signed up to football coaching courses at Tottenham
Hotspur Foundation. - one Kickstart placement created by Bumblebee lettings as a result of meeting with a young person
Live Unlimited’s careers networking scheme for 16-25 year olds has connected care experienced young people with professionals from different industries they wouldn’t normally meet.
For more information about Live Unlimited, email sue.cocker@liveunlimited.org.uk or call 020 8358 2325.