Two great services for Landlords and Agents:

Direct Let

Free tenant introduction service where we pay you market leading incentives to rent your property out.


Free tenant introduction service where we pay you market leading incentives to rent your property out.

You will have a choice of a large selection of tenants and guaranteed rent (for a short period) to enable you to select our applicant.

We urgently require properties all over the UK.

Why Choose Direct Let/Plus

Direct Let and Direct Let Plus are free tenant finding services designed to help families in Housing Need. We want to work in partnership with landlords and agents to assist households to rent in the private sector.

• A selection of prospective tenants for you to meet with and choose from

• Local Housing Allowance paid directly into your account with no fees or charges, depending on where the property is located.

• Incentives up to £5,000 subjects to terms and conditions (please call to find out more)

• Fast Track lettings process maximising continuity of rental income

• Accompanied viewing in Borough

Key Documents we require:

– Minimum 12 month Assured Tenancy Agreement;
– Gas Safe Certificate;
– Portable Appliance Test (PAT) Certificate;
– Energy Performance Certificate;
– Land Registry Title Register (valid within 3 months of the let);
– Landlords ID or the Agents Management Agreement;
– BACs details;
– Declaration of ‘Fit and Proper’ person (for Direct Let scheme)

Private Sector Leasing

We take the head-ache and responsibility from you in fully managing the property, whilst paying you guaranteed rent for maximum 5 years and returning your property in good condition, less normal wear and tear.

We are seeking good quality 2, 3 and 4 bedroom properties in the North London area.

Why choose Private Sector Leasing

We take on the responsibility for everything to do with letting your property.

  • Let your property
  • Give you guaranteed rent, paid monthly in advance even if the property is empty
  • Manage the property and tenants
  • Inspect the condition of your property on a regular basis.
  • Ensure the property is returned back to you in good condition.

Our surveyor will attend the property and determine if any works are required to meet our current property standards. There is no charge for the surveyor’s attendance.

Documents required for our PSL scheme

  • Gas Safe Certificate;
  • NIC EIC Electrical Certificate;
  • Energy Performance Certificate;
  • Land Registry Title Register (valid with 3 months);
  • Landlords ID;
  • British Gas Homecare Agreement (or equivalent);
  • Building insurance certificate;
  • BACs details;

Please click here for the LHA website


Let2Barnet are part of Vaboo, the rewards scheme for landlords.