The Royal Air Force Museum in Colindale is working on a large scale community project and they want your help.

The Historic Hendon Project is part of the celebrations and commemoration of the Centenary of the RAF and the museum, for 2018.

As part of these celebrations, the Historic Hendon Project wants to work with residents of the Colindale and Hendon areas to tell the story of the Colindale area and RAF Hendon.

Throughout April, the RAF Museum is running workshops to get the Colindale and Hendon story telling going:

The workshops take place on Thursday 13 April at 11am, Wednesday 26 April at 2pm & Sat 29 April at 11am in the Community Room at the RAF Museum.

If you are a resident in Colindale or Hendon, or if you have any stories to tell about the area, the RAF museum would love to hear from you. They also want to know how local residents think we should tell the story of Hendon’s history to museum visitors. You don’t have to register in advance – plus tea and cake will be on offer!

The RAF Museum want to encourage people of all ages, interests, backgrounds and abilities to take part in the project.

Please contact Joe Sullivan, RAF Heritage Outreach Officer by emailing